Thursday, February 28, 2013


Have you ever seen the look on someone’s face when you do something wrong, or something that they didn’t want you to do, but you did it anyway? Sometimes, I can see it in their eyes, even if they don’t show it on their face. Its not that hard to spot. Most of us see it every day. In common terms, we call that look ‘disappointment.’

Literally, ‘disappointment’ is when a person doesn’t do the stuff they’re ‘appointed’ well enough, so that satisfies other people. 
I’ve seen a lot of disappointed looks in my 16 years of existence. But, why do people get disappointed? It’s because they have expectations.
I’m expected to be the perfect daughter, the perfect sister, the perfect student, hell, even the perfect girlfriend. But I can’t. I am a horribly messed up person; I couldn’t possibly live up to those expectations. And that’s where the disappointment comes in.

See, the people who know you, assume that you can do everything. That you’re superhuman, somehow. That you can juggle education and a social life and still not be a bad daughter (or son). But it’s not possible, is it? I can’t be what everyone else wants.
So what if I like being by myself? So what if I don’t want to go out every day? So what if I want to concentrate on my music more than my studies? Why do others care?

If I want to become a musician, or at least, audition, I should go for it. My parents will probably not support it. But if I don’t do it, I’ll spend the rest of my life cursing myself; asking myself what my life would have been like if I had thought about myself before I thought about others.
I’m probably being a hypocrite when I say this, but I think people should do what they want to, without thinking about others’ opinions. Sure, have a sense of community and moral values, but think about what you want to do, before you think about how others will react to it. Consequences can be dealt with. But you will never forgive yourself if you don’t do what you want. You’ll keep wondering ‘what if?’ and that is probably the worst question you can ask yourself. Living your life in the past will never help. Do whatever you want to, so that you don’t have to worry about it later.

I'm back

Well, it's been 2 years since I posted on here last. (Yes, i'm a procrastinator)
I have grown older, but I'm not sure I matured in the past 2 years. 

I'm not going to be writing about JUST books on here anymore. But, my opinion on... well, everything. I rant to my laptop every single day. So, i figured, why not rant to random people I probably dont know? 
So, here I am, and this seems like my first rant...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Percy Jackson and the Olympians is a retake on the ancient Greek myths, 21st century style. Rick Riordan has taken the old stories that we all love and has given it a modern twist. What people originally found as boring, dull and completely bonkers now interests them so much, that they want more.

Most people think that the Greek were nuts, believing in so many gods, giving them each something to rule over, however insignificant the matter. But Percy Jackson not only entertains but also informs how each god's rule can change the balance of the world we live in.

In these books, Percy Jackson, a demigod (Half god, half mortal) has been told that a prophecy had been issued some 70 years ago, which involved him. So Percy, along with his friends Annabeth, Grover, Thalia and the other campers at Camp Half-Blood are left with the task of defending Olympus against the evil Titan lord Kronos.

Greek lovers can read this to see their gods in a different perspective and those with no interest in Greek mythology, pick up the books and read!!

These books are a must-read. Recommended for all ages.

Rick Riordan has come out with a sort-of follow up to these books: Heroes of Olympus.

The first book is called The Lost Hero, where 3 new demi-gods are introduced, and we find out that the main protagonist Percy is missing.

Harry Potter and the goblet of fire: Book 4

In this fourth book, Harry is selected to take
part in the
Triwizard competition, against his wishes.
Here, the schools of Beauxbatons and
Durmstrang are introduced.

the exciting, gripping and thrilling fourth book
in the Harry Potter series increases the readers'
expectations and sets the bar higher for the next book.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Review 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the third book in the thrilling Harry Potter saga.

Harry is back to Hogwarts for his third year. New classes, teachers and a new adventure. A prisoner has escaped from Azkaban and he's behind Harry.

As always, this Harry Potter book live up to the set standards and sets higher ones! But, I always have the same views about the Harry Potter series. I LOVE them all!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Review 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets

This is the second book in the Harry Potter series.

Harry is staying over at the Dursley's for summer and it's like living in hell. Thankfully, the Weasleys come to his rescue.

J.K. Rowling has done it again! This book is as good as the first.
Gripping, Exciting and Un-put-downable! Recommended to readers of all age!

Review 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

I'm sure most of you must have read this book (or watched the movie).

It's Harry's 11th birthday, when a half-giant comes knocking on his door, with a surprise for Harry!

I loved this book. Its fun, thrilling and mysterious! It has everything a gook book needs! I recommend you to read it, if you haven't. And don't skip the book just because you have seen the movie! The book is better!